Agents in poker apps

Agents in poker apps

Poker has been present on the Internet for more than 20 years now. During this time, it has changed many times. If in its early days the online poker industry was represented by classic poker rooms like Stars and 888Poker, today it has seen various offshoots. Poker apps have become the main competitor of traditional rooms.

What is a poker app

Mobile applications like PPPoker, PokerBros and ClubGG are programs designed to access the online poker game via mobile devices. The main difference between these applications and the classic rooms is the ability to play using smartphones. The second significant difference is that in the applications the tournaments and cash games take place in closed clubs.

Today poker apps successfully compete with the leading poker rooms of the world in terms of cash traffic. With the appearance of such platforms, the residents of the countries where classic rooms are blocked have finally received the access to online poker. For example, players from the U.S., Australia or India.

The point is that the very essence of mobile applications does not violate the existing bans on online gambling. Officially, the game is played with nominal chips, not real money. In fact, each of these chips has a certain value. This is where agents appear, who act as a kind of intermediary between the player and the clubs in which he plays. Agents perform financial functions such as deposits and withdrawals. There is no concept of a “cash register” in mobile apps, and the player cannot make deposits and withdrawals on his own.

Who are the agents in poker apps

Unlike classic poker rooms where anyone can register on their own and start playing without the mediation of others, it is not quite possible with mobile apps. To begin with, you need to find the right club to play the formats and limits you want, preferably at a time that is convenient for you. You will also need to deposit your account in the alleged currency. These are the functions that a poker agent is responsible for.

You can, of course, try to find a club on your own and make the deposit with the help of the administrator. But firstly, this is a very long and difficult process – there are thousands of clubs. And secondly, the security of such transactions is questionable – no one can guarantee that the administrator is honest. That is why you need to use the services of an agent.

We at AppPokerDeals are happy to provide you with such services. We take care of all the functions mentioned above – searching for clubs, making deposits and cash-outs. Our professional agents can also help you with any questions related to playing poker applications and interacting with club organizers. In addition, we are a mobile app affiliate and provide our active players with extra bonuses and increased rakeback.

How to become an agent

If you have friends or acquaintances who share your interest in online poker, you can also become their agent.  What’s more, you can invite unknown players using your own traffic sources (your own blog, Telegram-channels, etc). Agent activity allows you to receive a passive income, the amount of which is limited only by the number of invited players and their activity.

AppPokerDeals will help you become an agent and start earning money from online poker anywhere in the world. All you have to do is bring in at least 5 active players to be able to work as an agent. The players you bring in will be able to make financial transactions both via your help and AppPokerDeals payment systems. This will make it much easier for first-time agents who do not have the ability to accept payments in all systems.

What we offer

AppPokerDeals offers the following services and features:

  1. Access to the most popular and reliable poker app clubs such as PPPoker, PokerBros, Suprema Poker, ClubGG.
  2. The most favorable terms of cooperation – agent rakeback can get up to 70%.
  3. For each of our agents we provide a personal manager, who will be online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  4. To attract new players we organize daily tournaments and promotions.
  5. Guarantee of safety of players’ funds and security of financial transactions.

Different formats of cooperation between AppPokerDeals and agents are possible. For example, you can take care of all the maintenance of your players. We will only provide access to the clubs. You can also entrust us with the management of your players, but still receive a certain percentage of the rake of your users.

How much can a poker agent earn? It’s hard to answer this question exactly, even knowing the number of invited players. The earnings also depend on players’ activity and playing limits. In some cases even one high-roller client can bring in more money per month than dozens of low- and medium-limit players. Good agents who attract many active players make thousands of dollars a month, so being a poker agent is a lucrative occupation.

Our guarantees

Cooperating with AppPokerDeals, you will receive the following guarantees:

  1. Weekly billing without delay.
  2. Instant balance deposit.
  3. Calculation using a convenient for you payment system.
  4. Safety of funds and transparency of ongoing financial transactions.
  5. Possibility to withdraw money within two hours from the moment of creation of the request.

Interested in our offer? Contact the AppPokerDeals manager for all the details on cooperation.

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